They of course wait on you hand and foot, but the seats have crazy controls and even lay flat! I

Well we landed in Ecuador and had to wait for 5 hours, then off to Peru, here is a pic of Ecuador.There was no first class for this 2 hour leg of the trip, but where well rested from the first leg. When we landed we had a couch sufing buddy waiting for us at the airport, Oscar, he was AWESOME!!! We grabbed a Taxi back to his place where he had another couple of couch surfers staying at this large house. We actually got our own room! There was a little party that night at his house as it was Saturday night and his friends were over; everyone was drinking Pisco Sour's. Here is a photo of Oscar and another of our beds in Lima
The next morning we were up and went with Oscar to this restaurant and had our first Cevechi. This is fish that is soaked in this lemon or lime marinade for a few minutes. The Peruvian fruit has a special acidity that actually cooks the fish with no heat. It was yummy!
After that we went with Fernando and 2 of his friends to Miraflores, which is a section of the city. These are paintings that were for sale there. There were some awesome pieces of work there. Some were only 7 bucks!!
As you may or may not know Peru is mainly Catholic so Baroque architecture is very prevalent and extremely ornate in Peruvian culture.
This is the door of that church.
After that we walked around lots more we snapped this photo from my dying camera. We had more awesome food and then a off to bed. its late so I'm wrapping up and will post more later!!!!
Your trip sounds fantastic so far. I love the pictures so keep your camera charged! Is food expensive in Peru?
WOW! It sounds like you're having a wonderful trip!!!! Sure beats canoeing in a 150 mile hour wind!!!!
It's raining here in Seattle - I would have sent a picture but I figured you wouldn't want to see it.
Take care and stay away from the slushy drinks. xo Aunt Pam
Wow you guys look like you are having a blast!!!- And business class-yeah that's how we roll!!!
Miss you both!!!!!
We are keepingh the camera chaarged and just hope we brought enough memory,,,I never could imagone this breathtaking culture. No Pam no more slushies, but we are bringing home Pisco to make the fampous Peruvian "Pisco Sour" drink wich is delicioso.
Well I have to say LAN kicks ANY airline in the with LAN is like American buisness class,,,go figure lol.. we miss and love you all.
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